I thought that I'd share with you how I try to stay positive. Most of the time I am, everyone has their bad days (me included) but I like being positive and happy, it's much nicer than being miserable all the time.
I try to have a positive outlook on things and have come to terms that yes; life sucks, and then it gets better, and then it sucks again however, that's all part of it so, I just plod along.
I also have a notebook. Well actually I have two. In one I write quotes. Ones that me think and wonder and ones which a plain and simple, telling it straight. I like writing them down because it helps me to think in a happier way. In the other, I scrapbook. And now I know what most of you are thinking; 'Katie, that is the lamest thing I have ever heard' but behold, it helps me to remember all the amazing and wonderful things which I have experienced. I'll scrapbook photos, cinema tickets, train/bus tickets, stickers, you name it, it's probably in there.
Finally, I always remind myself that, 'Whenever something bad happens, something great is bound be round the next corner, no matter whether it's big or small, something will happen' It makes me think that I will get over whatever's happened and that in the large scale of things, it doesn't matter at all. There are much larger things happening than my small problems.
So, I hope that this has helped someone, just one of you in someway or another and I'll see you all next week:)
- 05:19