This Friday I'm finally turning eighteen years old and yesterday, we held a party at my house to celebrate. There was around 60 people in total including various family and friends who were lovely to see and catch up with. Some people lived locally and others lived in Sussex and it was so nice of everyone to travel up and say hi! It started at two o'clock in the afternoon and continued until about half twelve at night (a super long day, I know!).
I received a few gifts yesterday, most of which involved a bottle of something which I'm very grateful for, but there are two in particular I wanted to talk about. One was from my Grandmother. She gave me two wedding rings which she had held onto, one of which belonging to my Dad's Great Grandmother and the other belonging to his Grandmother. These clearly meant a lot to her and it was extremely kind of her to pass these on to me. The other gift(s) was from my Grandfather. As most people know, I have a record player. My Grandfather has a massive collection of records and really loves his music which plays a huge part in his life. Yesterday, he gave me a select few from his collection, which included some Stevie Wonder and The Beatles, and (again) I'm super grateful for these as I know how much they mean to him. He also gave me a plaque which says 'If you really want to catch your dreams, you have to chase them'. He believes very strongly in this and just wanted to give me something to remind me of it.
There were two other parts of the day that I thought were especially nice. Firstly, my Mum had bought a 'Wish Jar'. The idea of this is that people would write on a little piece of paper a little 'good wish' message for me and place it in the jar. It accumulated over the day and at the end was really lovely to read through them all. Some were ridiculously thoughtful and pleasant to read. The other part of the day which I really liked was the 'Picture Post Box'. When I was first born I had a 'naming ceremony' and during this my Mum and Dad asked people to bring along the most recent photo of themselves so that I could look back and see who came on that day. So, they decided to do the same thing for my eighteenth. People bought photos of themselves and some had a little message on the back. I really loved this idea and it's lovely to have photos of everyone to remember.
I really did have a fantastic day and want to say a quick thankyou to everyone who came along and also to my parents for organising the whole thing. I had a really fab day and it was great to see everyone together.
- 09:39