Grease 2014


Hello Lovelies!
Since September last year, myself and a group of friends got involved in our school production of 'Grease'. Last year I took part in 'Bugsy Malone' which I really did enjoy and it made me 100% wanted to get involved in 'Grease'.The rehearsals were long and hard but, I can honestly that I have thoroughly enjoyed this show and have had a brilliant experience. I got to know so many new people and have created friendships which will last me a lifetime. I connected and bonded with a good majority of the cast and have so many good memories with them all. I love my 'Grease family' a ridiculous amount and will definitely keep in contact with them all. Sadly, some of the main cast members are leaving us this year so 'Grease' was their last production. I wish them all the best of luck in the future!

*credit to Caitlin Jackson*
It has only been a couple of days since it all came to an end and I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms. I still walk around the house singing the songs and throwing out the dance moves! My favorite scenes were (obviously) 'Greased Lightning', 'Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee' and 'Born to Hand-Jive'. The 'Born to Hand-Jive' scene was hilarious on the last night, everyone was saying funny one-liners which just added a great effect to it. 
I think I'm going to miss this production the most, there's just way too many good memories and people who were involved. I love them all so very much and can't wait until the next one!

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