Blogmas Day 7 | Wishes Tag


Hello Lovelies!

Today I am doing a tag which the lovely CutiePieMarzia did on YouTube and I thought I'd give it a whirl so here goes:

1. What do you wish you knew when you were younger?
I wish that when I was younger, I didn't worry about the small things and know that it's okay to be myself and not care about what other people think of me.

2. Where do you wish you could live?
I wish that I could either live in Brighton or  Rome, both places would be amazing!

3. What is one thing you wish you could do?
I wish that I had some amazing talent like that I could play a instrument really well or sing brilliantly, that'd be pretty cool.

4. What do you wish you could be better at?
I wish that I wasn't a procrastinator and that I was better at actually good at getting work done when it should be.

5. What did you wish to become when you were younger?
When I was younger I think that I wished that I could be a ballerina.

6. Is there anything you wish you could change about the world?
I wish that people did judge other people straight away before getting to know them. It annoys me so much when people make assumptions and don't give people the time of day based on how they look or what they do. It's just annoying to me.

7. What is your biggest wish?
I don't really have a biggest wish to be honest, there's nothing that I really want because (as chessy as it sounds) I am happy with the life I'm living and the people I know. I'm just happy :)

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