The WORST Types of People at College


Since I've now gone back to college I thought that it'd be appropriate to write a post related to that. You meet a bunch of new people at college which is great but there's that small handful who are just the worst (sorry not sorry).

1. The Headphone Blaster - There's that one kid who thinks that it's A-OK to be blasting their crappy-ass music out of their headphones. Sorry but I do not want to hear 'Watch Me Whip' coming through your poor quality headphones you probably got from PoundLand

2. The 'I Didn't Revise but Got 100% on the Test' - These types of people have to be the worst for me. They don't revise or even look at their notes but somehow they always do incred on their exams/tests and then there's people like me who revise their butt off trying to just pass and still come out with a D.

3. The Know-it All - There's always that person in your class who raises their hand to answer every frickin question. Excuse me SIR but I'd like to give one a shot thank you very much.

4. The Homework Reminder - Do not, I repeat do NOT, ever remind the teacher about the homework that's due unless you want a death stare from everyone else in the class. Probably including me.

5. The Question Asker - Now, don't get me wrong, it's really good to be asking questions if you don't understand something but please, pleaseE just wait until the damn class is over to ask. Nobody wants to hear you ask 'What was that?' 20 times in an hour. Nobody.

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