So, I Watched Blackfish
I guess I'm kinda late or whatever but I recently watched Blackfish. A documentary about the treatment of Orcas at SeaWorld. And nothing could prepare me for what I was about to watch…
I knew a little bit about the whole situation but wanted to explore for myself, first hand the issues with SeaWorld. This lead me to watch the documentary Blackfish which is on Netflix. I sat and watched the documentary start to finish and was left feeling speechless afterwards. Firstly, here's a few facts about Orcas:
- Female orcas can live up to 50 years old
- An adult can weigh up to 5600kg and 8.7m long
- There are three to five different types of orca
- They can be found from the polar regions to the equator
- A group of orcas is called a 'pod'
Probably the most upsetting part of the documentary is when baby orcas are separated from their mothers. SeaWorld would transfer orcas over to their sister parks, most of them being just babies. When they were separated from their mothers, they knew what was going on. After the baby was taken away, the mother would make sounds that trainers had never heard before. They were screams. In one case, the mother was shaking and screaming in one corner of the pool, actually actively looking for her baby. The pool she was in was shared with other female orcas and every so often, they would come out and check on the mother to see how she was doing, which really shows how far their sense of society and community goes. The mother stayed like this for several hours.
To quickly summarise, SeaWorld are making their money through the exploitation of orcas. I couldn't believe half the things I saw in that documentary and I very much encourage you all to watch it..