February Life Update


The last little life update I did was back in September and everything has just been crazy busy since then! Here's a little rundown of what I've been up to since then..

Firstly, I started my YouTube channel! I've wanted to start one for a while but was nervous about doing so as I wasn't sure about the content I wanted to create. I took some time working on how my channel looks and planning the videos I wanted to do and then started uploading. Right now, there's a couple of vlogs up there and a few 'sit-down-talk-y' videos too and I'm so happy that I started my channel and hope that it continues to do well! You can check out my channel here.

I've also now finished the whole applying for university stage. I've been to my interviews, received my offers and made my choices. Now, I have to apply for my student finance and accommodation and then get my grades! I'll be going to either Westminster University or Cardiff University this September, providing I meet the conditions. Fingers crossed it'll all go according to plan but for now, you can go back and look and my 'Road to Uni' series to catch up on how it's all happened.

I've got a new job! As many of you are aware, I left my previous job at the end of last year as I wasn't enjoying it as much anymore. I went for an interview in January at the Stonehenge Visitor Centre and got a job working in the cafe! I start there in the next few weeks and am excited to get going (I've also got a name tag which is pretty rad)!

Now, here's just a little heads up. March is going to be a crazy busy month for me. The first week of March I'm going away with my college to Disney Land Paris and into Paris itself. We're going from the 5th to the 9th for a media conference actually in Disney. I'm super excited to go and am going to TRY MY HARDEST to vlog as much as I can for you guys. There are also plans to go up to Manchester at some point to visit and finally meet the girls at Pretty52 in their offices. I can't wait to see the team and thank them for everything!

That's what's been happening in my life over the past few months and what I have planned over the next few weeks. I'll keep you all updated with what happens! 

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