

I know we all hear the classic deep, motivational quotes and yeah, sometimes they're nice to hear but they do get repetitive over time. I though that I'd share with you all some of my personal favorites that aren't necessarily the 'mainstream' ones..

1. 'You can't keep dancing with the devil and ask why you're still in hell'
I saw this one on Tumblr a couple of days ago and it hit me quite hard. For me, it means that you can't keep complaining about the negative people or things in your life and not do anything about them. If there are negative people in your life and you're not cutting them out, don't complain about them. 

2. 'Invest in yourself'
We all need to take time out of our busy schedules to look after ourselves just for a little while. I know that it's difficult to do this all the time but just a couple times a week is good to wind ourselves down and chill out a little bit.

 3. 'Be what you like, not what they like'
I actually saw Arden post this on her Twitter the other day and I actually really love it. We all need to slowly stop caring about what other people think and trying to please them all the time. We should be who we want to be, not what other people want us to be.

So there, that's some of my favorite alternative quotes - let me know what your favourites are!!

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