15 THINGS FOR 2015 | Blogmas Day 4


As I was sat thinking about what to write for tonight I was feeling rather nostalgic about the year that is slowly coming to an end. 2015 has been a whirlwind of a year and I've discovered so much about myself and the people around me. Things have changed. Some for the better and some for the worst but none-the-less, here we here living the last month of the year. I don't think that there is anything that I would change about this year however, there are a lot of lessons I have learnt. Here are 15 things I've learnt in 2015.

1. Being outside of your comfort zone is okay
2. Holding grudges is SO GODDAMN POINTLESS
3. Surround yourself with good people and good vibes
4. Be the weirdest and best version of you
5. Old friends are THE best friends
6. Letting go of people is okay too
7. Push yourself - see how far you can go
8. If you have a passion, pursue it
9. Don't drunk text people (ends badly)
10. Don't plan too much - go with the flowwwwwwWwWw
12. 'Perfect' doesn't exist 
13. Corsica is the best place I've ever visited
14. We're all human and just trying to figure things out
15. Don't leave buying Christmas presents so late

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