Beating Exam Stress


Next Tuesday, I have my first exam out of five and everything is now becoming very real and very stressful. My first exam is in fact a re-sit of a paper from last year that I didn't do so well on so, that amps up the pressure a little bit. 
I've been doing exams for three years now and over the years I have picked up a few tips and tricks to help beat exam stress and to be as chilled out and prepared as you can be.

I cannot stress (get it? stress??) enough how important it is to prioritise your revision and time. For example, my last exam is A2 Unit 4 Geography and that is the subject I am revising for the least at the moment, as its not for another month. The exams I am revising for the most are my AS Unit 1 Geography and A2 Unit 3 Geography exams because they're my first two. The means I can devote my time to those units first and not be revising something that I don't need for another month.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and they're right! Recently, I've been making granola and fruit bowls and they really fill me up in the morning and keep me going until lunch (I'll upload a recipie for them soon). Also, eat before your exam. It'll help you concentrate better and stop your belly from rumbling midway through.

With revision, firstly find a method that works for you. Whether that's mind maps, flash cards or just reading through, whatever suits you (for me, it's making mind maps and covering every inch of my bedroom wall in them)! Then, whenever you have some free time, do revision. I have a couple of free periods a week at college and instead of aimlessly roaming around town, I'll sit in a classroom or study area and do revision. Doing it at school/college also means you won't have to do it at home!

Revising for three hours straight is never a good idea. Every so often, your brain needs to take a break!! I'd suggest that every hour, take a five or ten minute break to have a stretch, go through Twitter or update your Facebook status. It gives you brain a rest and gives you a little reward to work towards each hour.

I hope this somewhat helped with you guys out there about to do exams, leave a comment below giving one of your exam tips!

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