30 Alternative Swear Words


Hello Lovelies!
Okay so, today's post is slightly different. I have noticed that I have been using swear words over the simplest things, I'll stub my toe or spell something wrong and it'll just slip out. I want to start maybe cutting down on the amount I swear (good luck with that) and thought that I could write this post to help myself and others who over-swear. So, here is a list of 30 alternative swear words!

1. Suck it
2. Holy cow
3. Shut the front door
4. Schnookerdoodles
5. Fudge nuggets
6. Sugar
7. God bless America
8. Jiminy Crickets
9. Barbra Streisand
10. Fiddle sticks
11. Frick
12. God bless it
13. Son of a gun
14. DOS
15. Wombats
16. Dayum
17. Darn it
18. Dang flabbit
19. Snap
20. Balls
21. Frickin' ay
22. Nibblets
23. Voldemort
24. Bananarama
25. Gee Whizz
26. Jeez
27. Oh my god
28. Son of a nutcracker
29. Freaking
30. Son of a sea slug

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