My Braces Story


Hello Lovelies!
So, I have been planning to write this post for a while but I've never got round to writing it. Today's the day though so here goes...
I first got my braces on about 2 years ago, at the start of my forth year at secondary school. Before I got them actually put on, I had to have two x-rays and a series of molds of my teeth. This was so that the dentist could see how my teeth looked at the start of the process. I remember being very nervous at first but, after getting them on, I didn't feel too bad! They ached for a little while and it was awkward to eat proper food for the first few days, but after about a week I had got used to it.

*insert embarrassing braces selfie here*

I went through a series of colors with my braces ranging from blues and purples to reds and pinks. There is literally any color to choose from and I started to treat it as if it were an accessory! I went through two holidays, Christmas' and the whole of Year 10 with my braces and after a while, myself and others got used to them. It was completely strange when I got them off! I can honestly say that I'm pleased that I went through the process (even giving up fizzy drinks and sweets for nearly two years)!
The day I got my braces removed:-)

 The result I ended up with was remarkable and amazing. I now have to wear a retainer in the evenings so that my teeth don't move around and the whole thing doesn't go to waste! It's nearly been a whole year since I've had them off and my teeth are still as straight as they were when I got the braces off. I wanted to write this post to let people who are getting their braces that they're really not that bad and there's nothing at all to worry about, the result at the end is worth it! 

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