Surviving College 101



It's not long until I go back to college for my second year and I know there are tons of people who are starting college soon. Here's a quick guide to surviving college.

1. Take headphones - I cannot stress enough how important it is to take headphones to college. I know you're not really allowed them in class but when you want to focus on something they're so helpful to just zone out. They also make bus journey's a hell of a lot more interesting.

2. Start revising early - I left most of my revision to the last minute last year. Exams started in May and started revising in like March. I should of started so much earlier, I potentially would've got even better grades ( I got a B, two C's and a D) and not have been so stressed out.

3. Always have extra paper and pens - I'm normally the person who lends paper and pens to people so it's always good to have a spare. Also, if you're mid essay it's just easier if you have a extra pen that you can use rather than having to awkwardly asking the teacher for one.

4. It's okay if you don't get on with everyone - You're not going to get on with everyone in college and it's likely that you'll meet people who don't like you. But, that's okay! As long as you have people who you can count on, then it's all good!

5. Never leave homework until the last minute - It won't be that good a quality and it's not good for you to be staying up all night doing the homework you forgot about.

6. Ask questions - Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you do not understand something, ask your teacher to repeat it or for extra tuition. It will help you in the long-run and will create a better student/teacher relationship.  

7. Don't rely on cafeteria food - There is a 90% chance that the food in your college's cafeteria will SUCK. Make your own lunch or buy something from town because you do not want to be eating some gross lasagna on your first day.

8. Get cute school supplies - If you have nice school supplies, it will make you want to do your college work so that you can use them! 

9. Pre-plan the night before - Get your bag ready the night before. You don't want to wake up late and then be rushing around trying to find your books. Have them all ready to go in your bag the night before so you can just grab it before you head out the door.

10. Have fun! Try new things at college, make new friends and work hard, but not too hard. You want to have some time for yourself to chill and relax!

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