Blogging Tips


This year I would have been blogging for three years and over this time I have learnt various different little tips and tricks that have helped me along the way. I thought that today I'd share with you all some of those and perhaps even inspire some budding bloggers that are out there!

1. Only write posts YOU want to write - Don't write articles you feel like you have to write or on a topic you're not passionate about. The posts you upload should be ones that you enjoy, not ones you write just to keep up with current trends.

2. Never feel ashamed of your opinions - On a blog or site where you write the content, you shouldn't feel like you are unable to express yourself. You are entitled to you thoughts, ideas and opinions.

3. Always tell the truth - Whether it's online or in real life, lying doesn't get you anywhere and it will greatly effect how people perceive you.

4. Stats aren't everything - If they're high, that's great! If they're low, then that's okay too. It doesn't matter as long as you enjoy what you do and have a passion for it.

5. Don't give up - To begin with, it may seem like there's not point in writing a blog or every starting one up and to begin with, it is difficult. But, hey, look at me for example, it's taken me nearly three years to get to where I am and even at times where I felt like giving up, I didn't!

6. Write as often as you can - Try to be consistent with your uploading. It's taken me a while but I've finally come up with a good uploading schedule and have managed to keep it up so far. Having a good schedule does make a huge difference!

7. Get inspired regularly - Always be on the lookout for good stories. I have a notes page open on my phone where I have a long old list of posts I want to write and upload. In fact, this post was on that list!

I hope this helped someone in some way, shape or form. Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips for aspiring bloggers!

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