Tuneful Tuesday #7


Hello Lovelies!
I haven't written a 'Tuneful Tuesday' post for a while now so, I thought that I'd treat you all to one today! I keep hearing the phrase 'good music' being used a LOT. But, honestly, what is 'good music'? Some people believe that everyone should listen to one type of music and that should be the only thing people listen to, like everyone should just listen to what's in the charts or rock music or whatever.

In my opinion, 'good music' is whatever music makes you happy. You don't have to listen to something because someone tells you that you have to. Also the opposite, you don't have to stop listening to a type of music because someone tells you it's 'stupid' or 'weird'. If the music you listen to makes you happy and want to dance around your room without a care, then listen to it.

One thing I want people to take away from this post is that you shouldn't limit yourself to one type of music. Don't just listen to what you consider to be 'good music'. If you listen to rock but also listen to classical that's absolutely fine. Broaden your horizons and listen to a wider range of music.

Why don't you listen to something different this week? :-)

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