This Week's Rundown


I've got to say, this week has been completely crazy in terms of stories and events that have occurred and I have found that I've quietly mouthed to myself 'oh my god' or 'what the f*ck' many a time. So here's at least three things that have made me say either of those this week..

1. Shia LaBeouf Live Streaming Himself  

I actually heard about this the day after it started and couldn't believe it. At first, like many people, I thought that Shia was live streaming the actual films. However, it was oh-so on the contrary. Shia was live streaming himself and his own reactions to his own films, because I mean, what else would you do?? Picture this. You're Shia LaBeouf. Everyone knows you for being a little bit weird and a little bit out there, so what do you do next?? Live stream yourself of course! I must admit, his reactions to watching the Even Stevens movie was my favorite. 

Although, the best thing about this whole event is that he thought some of his own films were so bad that he's actually offered to refund people who have previously paid to watch them. The list includes Transformers 3, Indiana Jones and Charlie's Angels.

2. Imagine Dragons: The Fall
As most of you know, I went to watch Imagine Dragons perform just over a week ago now and it was incredible. A night or so after the London show I went to, they were performing in Leeds. Now, during their performance of 'Radioactive' all of the band members get very into it. So much so that lead singer Dan Reynolds unfortunately fell over during the intense drop near the end of the song. You can watch what happened here. For those of you who have watched it (or just have) you can see that Dan fell pretty bad but, made a smooth recovery and carried on the rest of performance brilliantly. Creds to him for continuing after that!! 

3. Paris
I know that pretty much everyone and anyone is talking about this right now and it's the event that's on everyone's lips but I feel like it needs to be spoken about. As we all know, various attacks occurred in Paris on Friday night with links to ISIS. I saw the news literally just before I was going to go to bed and stayed up another hour or so to see what was happening because I was in utter disbelief. It's so heartbreaking to see this incredible city be torn apart by heartless people. I'm gutted to see this country that I love and hold a special place in my heart be ruined. I hope that everyone who is effected by the attacks is okay and is somewhere safe. My heart goes out to Paris. 


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