The Path to Heaven Runs...


As some of you know, a few years ago I got tickets to go and see Imagine Dragons in Bournemouth with a few friends (I wrote a blog post about it back then which is here) and last Thursday, I went again! However, this year the scale was much, much bigger, this time it was at the O2 Arena in London. Myself and my friend Sam went along (originally there was four of us but unfortunately the others couldn't make it) and we had an incredible time.

The supporting act was a group called Sunset Sons who were also very very good! We thought that we hadn't heard of them before although, turns out we actually knew some of their songs. We both agreed that we'd go and see them on tour next year too!

Imagine Dragons came on stage at about 8:45 and stayed on until 10:30. I'd heard a little bit about their setlist and that they were opening with 'Shots' and they did! It was a brilliant song to open with and set me up in a good mood for the rest of the night. Looking back at the videos you hear me do a little giggle of excitement as they start playing (god I'm embarrassing). They played a few of their older tracks too like 'Demons', 'Radioactive', 'It's Time' and a insanely good mash-up of 'Amsterdam' and 'Tiptoe'. Weirdly, no-one really knew the words to 'Tiptoe' so Sam and I were kinda belting them out by ourselves.

The song 'It's Time' is a very important song to me as it's the first song of their's I heard (on an advert for The Perks of Being A Wallflower, believe it or not) and there's one line from it that stands out to me which is 'the path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell'. This to me means that you have to go through the bad that to good and it's something that I've always thought of had stuck by me.

Two really awesome parts of the performance was: 1. When vocalist Dan ran round the whole arena during 'On Top of The World' and stood at the end of our row, he was just metres away from us and 2. At the end of the show they sang 'The Fall' and all these little paper leaves fell over the stage, it was very pretty special moment. I'm so incredibly lucky to have gone and seen these guys perform again and honestly, they are so humble and treat every show differently, it's not just another one ticked off a list. At one point, they saw the people sat right at the top of the arena and even got a little emotional, they said thankyou before they even started getting into the concert properly.

They're so grateful for everything and have worked so hard to get to the level they are at now and I'm a very proud fan who will definitely be supporting them for many years to come.

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