September Life Update



The last life update was in July and it's safe to say that a few things have changed since then.

Firstly, I got my A-Level results. I passed all my subjects with a B, two C's and a D. I ended up dropping the Creative Writing (the class I got a D in) just because I didn't really enjoy it anymore, plus the coursework would've been 4,000 words long. I'm happy with my results and it's set me up nicely for this year.

Along with this, I've started looking at universities. I've been to one open day so far in Cardiff and I completely fell in love with the campus. It was so pretty and the course looked amazing! I'm also visiting City of London, Westminster and Brighton. All seem fab and I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to offer. If anyone has info about any of the uni's, drop me a comment below or tweet me @oce4nblue_

One big piece of exciting news is that I'm beginning a new adventure into the world of making videos. I've been offered a position as a creator for the new app 'Soapbox'. The app shows two-minute beauty/fashion videos and let's you buy the products used directly from the app (you should download the app here!) I haven't uploaded a video yet because I haven't got the equipment (e.g. a decent camera and tripod) but as soon as I do I will try to upload on there as often as I can. I may also create a YouTube channel to go along with it. Watch this space....

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