Daily Asshole


I saw this idea on Swedish YouTuber Clara Henry's channel (one of my faves) and thought that it was such a funny and brilliant idea that I had to do it myself. It's basically a list of daily pet-peeves which I am going to share with you all so here goes. Here is my 'Daily Asshole' List...

1. People walking too slow.
Now this probably sounds like a bit of a weird one but, have you ever been in the situation where you're in a rush or just trying to get somewhere and literally THE slowest walker ever is in front of you and there is absolutely no way around them?? I experience this at least once a day and it is one of the most annoying things ever so that it is why it is on my 'Daily Asshole' List.

2. Having change.
For any of you who don't really know me all that well, I completely hate having loose change in my purse. I like to have notes just because they're easier and don't weigh my purse down but since starting college I've found that I am having increasingly more change with me and it just... I can't even.

3. Getting told that my class is cancelled when I'm already at college.
Don't get me wrong, it's music to my ears when I get told that one of classes is cancelled. It's even better when I get that message when I'm at home still cosy in bed, not when I'm already halfway on a bus to college. Like, could my lecturers have told me maybe a few minutes earlier that I don't have to be in?! It's just a real pain, especially when I don't even live near college, I live at least forty minutes away. This leads me onto my next Daily Asshole

4. Busy Buses.
Yes, I know that buses do get awfully busy at certain times of day but, can someone who I don't know not squidge up next to me?? It's just super uncomfortable and awkward and ugh it's just odd and gross.

5. Chipped Nail Polish.
How my nails even get chipped is beyond me. I could have them painted for just even a day and like a whole chunk of the colour will be missing and ruins the whole thing. Or what's worse is...

6. When you think you're nails are dry but then you touch something and smudge the whole thing.
This is a thousand times worse than my last point.

7. Brushing curly hair.
I have seen this creeping up a lot recently and I can one hundred percent relate. People ask me why I don't brush my hair that often and that is because of one reason and one reason only. When I do, my hair goes extremely frizzy and not curly anyone. It just turns into a frizzy ball of mess and it's awful. Well and truly awful.

Thankyou for reading this very rant-y and complain-y post, let me know your list of daily assholes by commenting on this or tweeting me @oce4nblue 


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