Studying 101: In Class


It's now the run up to exam season so I've decided to start a new mini series about studying and getting the most out of your study sessions. I know, everyone's different when it comes to revision but, I'm going to give you guys my tips and ideas! Over on my Tumblr I'm also going to try and do the 100 days of productivity challenge to try and motivate myself to sit down and revise. 

Recently, as we've drawn closer to the exams, I've started to read about the topic we're looking at in class in the textbook BEFORE the lesson. This then almost makes it seem like revision and helps to clarify the points that I didn't understand in the book. It also helps me to view the topic in further detail.

So, when I'm actually in my class and I'm taking notes. Normally, my lecturer will be going through a powerpoint of theories or ideas and we'll have to take notes from this. I try to make my notes look kind of nice and neat so that I can go through them easily and can understand what I've written. When I'm copying a theory down, I'll summarise the content in terms that I will understand so that when I'm looking back over them later, I will understand what I have written. As well, if you're in a lesson and don't understand something, do ask the teacher for help or to repeat what they just said. It's better to ask then to walk out of the class not knowing what you just learnt.

After the class, I'll go through what I've written and use colors to highlight the important parts and make titles and key terms stand out. Then, I can easily see the important parts and can focus my attention on those. I find that colour works for me during revision and studying and associate colors with certain topics. For example, with Geography, the energy unit is green, the water unit is blue and biodiversity unit is yellow. 

So that's what I do during and after class with my notes. I hope to carry on doing this little series over the next few weeks so let me know what you think!!

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