Behind the Blog


I saw Jemma over at 'Dorkface' do a post similar to this and I thought that I'd give it a go myself! The idea of this is to give you lot an idea of what we're actually like behind the blog and I for one can tell you that I'm probably very different to how you may suspect.


So hi, I'm Katie! I'm 17 years old and live in Wiltshire but am hoping to be going to university by the end of this year and ending up somewhere else. You guys only really get to see what I'm like through this blog and the best bits of my life that I want to share. Here's what I'm like away from the online world.

Firstly, I am constantly stressed. It's a on-going cycle of having to do things and not having enough time in the day to do it. I have never-ending lists that just seem to have tasks to do on them all the time and as soon as I've actually done one, another will come up! 

I'm also really quiet. And not like just a little bit. Whenever I do say something it's such a surprise and people are taken aback!! I've got better over time although I'm still probably the quietest person in most of my classes. But I'm getting there!!

Swearing. Oh my god do I swear!! If I'm angry or if I see a golden opportunity to use a swear word, I will use it. My personal favourite is f*ck:) 

At least 90% of the time, I will look moody or angry but I can promise you that I'm not at all. I'll walk around college, headphones in ears, letting the wind blow my frizzy hair around and have the moodiest look on my face. A lot of people have actually said to me 'you always seemed angry but you're actually really nice'. This has pretty much become the story of my life.

Finally, I have a huge passion for both EDM and country music. I know that they're so different from each other but the passion and hard work that goes into both genres is incredible and I appreciate that!!

That's me in a nutshell. If anyone of you attempt a post like this, link them below and I'll have a little look!!

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  1. Not nice to swear, dear. What art thou gonna do when you perish and you gott allah those years of saying naughty wordz behind you, babe?? I'd sure loooove to see you Upstairs... yet, it doesnt appear you're going to Seventh-Heaven -UNLESS- you follow our rules on NO SWEARING:

    The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you.
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

    trustNjesus, dear,
    and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven...
    cuzz the other realm aint too cool.
    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. Not nice to swear, dear. What art thou gonna do when you perish and you gott allah those years of saying naughty wordz behind you, babe?? I'd sure loooove to see you Upstairs... yet, it doesnt appear you're going to Seventh-Heaven -UNLESS- you follow our rules on NO SWEARING:

    The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you.
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

    trustNjesus, dear,
    and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven...
    cuzz the other realm aint too cool.
    God bless your indelible soul.
