The Road to Uni: Interviews


Wednesday February 3rd, I had a university interview.

The interview was at the Univeristy of Westminster for their BA (Hons) Journalism course on their Harrow campus. And it's safe to say that I was completely and utterly bricking it.

My mum and I travelled down to London on the day which was all fine although, we then made the mistake of taking the LONGEST tube route from Waterloo to Kenton (0.3 miles from the uni). We got off the tube, asked somewhere where we had to go and pretty much bolted down the road. We got there are pretty much exactly one o'clock (the interview), cheeks rosy and out of breath. It then turned out the lecturer didn't turn up for another 15 minutes. There was no need to run really. 

It was a group interview and in total there was about 16 of us. The lecturer led us all the one of the newsrooms where he spoke to us all about what the course consisted of. It confirmed that I was still as in love with the course as I was before. Then we were split into two smaller groups..

This where the actual 'interview' part began. We all sat in this sort of meetings room around a table and spoke about the journalism industry, where it is now and where we think it will go. The lecturer asked us all three questions;
1. Why do we want to study Journalism?
2. Why Westminster?
3. Where do you get your news from?

For me, these questions were relatively easy to answer and the eight of us in the room shared similar ideas. We also chatted about how some news sources are biased and how third-world countries tend to be discarded news-wise. It was a very interesting conversation and it was cool to hear other people's views. I then asked about the lecture's opinion on blogging and vlogging and if he thinks this will be considered a 'real' for of journalism in the future. We had a really good talk about this too. 

We were then left with a student ambassador and were able to ask her questions that were more abou the social life. She also gave us a tour of the facilities which were amazing!! It was at this point I started to make conversation with Rebecca (look at her twitter here!). We both have kanken bags and share very similar opinions on the blogging community which is pretty rad. I then found her online basically straight after the interview and continued to chat there so HI BECCA IF YOUR READING THIS!! 

All in all, I though that the interview went okay I suppose. I wasn't too sure about it because in the group was a couple of vocal people so it was difficult to get your point across sometimes.  Although, I'm very happy to say that BOTH myself and Rebecca got offered places at the univeristy!!!!!

After this experience I can say that despite how scary interviews are, they're not too bad. Just make sure you know about your topic and why you REALLY want to study it and you'll be A OK!

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