
I was thinking today about what Christmas really means to me. I know that this will vary from person to person and we'll all have different views on what it really means but I thought that I'd tell you all what Christmas means to me.

I think that it's such a special time of year. And that's not because of, you know, getting presents and singing carols but because you're there. You're there with you family or friends or whoever it is that makes it feel special. This time of year isn't the way it is because of what's there but instead because of who's there. Now let me get deep and sentimental for a second (I don't get soppy on here often okay?)..

Two years ago we lost my Grandad at Christmas. He passed on the 27th and his birthday was on Christmas Day. I'm not going to go into details of how or why he passed although I will tell you how it has impacted us at Christmas. Last year was our first Christmas without him and I can tell you now that it was especially hard. It was something that I know we were all thinking about on the day but none of us really mentioned. We did however, raise a glass to him but that's really all that was said on the matter. It was difficult as he played such a huge role during Christmas, especially as it was his birthday as well. This year is our second without him and although it will still be hard, we have created new traditions to help us get through it this time.

I know what you're thinking. Katie, how does this link to what Christmas means to you?
Well, for me personally, this reminds me how precious life is and that family is so so important and spending time with them is vital. Because you never know when they may leave. Christmas means that you stop all the petty arguments and cherish each other, even if it is just for the day. Love and cherish the people you're with this Christmas because they're all so special.

That's what makes Christmas a special time of year. What makes it special for you?

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