

Today my family & I travelled down towards Brighton to see some relatives for the weekend which is super nice because we haven't seen them for quite a long time! It's my Mum's cousin, his wife and kids and we were all pretty excited to see each other again.

We got down to West Sussex about midday and had some lunch before we decided to go on a walk along the coast. Which seemed like a really good idea to start with, until we realised how windy it actually was. I was struggling to walk and had to take breaks from walking every so often because it was so strong! My hair was also all over my face and I couldn't see where I was going, it was pretty much a guessing game. We then stopped at a cafe to have a coffee and warm up a little bit before we headed back. It's so nice to catch up with family and it's one of my favourite parts about the December month.

Currently we're back at the house about to have dinner and just all chill together. Tomorrow we're hoping to go into Brighton town and get some lunch ((if it's not raining too much))! 

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