Blogmas Day 11 | Earth, I Love You


Hello Lovelies!

I got this idea after watching a video by CutiePieMarzia on YouTube which I really loved. Basically, the movie Interstellar is in collaboration with GooglePlay and are running a project called Time Capsule. They want people to share what they love about planet earth so, here's what I love about Earth..

I love when the sunrises or sets and the sky goes into this rainbow of colours. One morning, myself and a few friends woke up very early and the three of is watched the sunrise and it was all very peaceful and lovely. The sky went into this great orange/purple/blue colour and to be honest it was quite beautiful. I call it the 4:33 sunrise.

                   (the 4:33 sunrise)

I love the ocean and being near the sea. I find it very calming and feel almost at home when I'm near. I especially felt this when I went on holiday to Cuba, the beach was so beautiful and I could've spent hours there admiring it's beauty and taking it all in. I like hearing the waves crash onto the shore and find it very tranquil. 

I love flowers and nature and being in forest-like areas. Adventuring these sort of places is very exciting to me and I like admiring the surrounding flowers. My favourite flowers include; lilies (my birth flower), daffodils and any sort of beach flower. 

That's what I love about planet Earth :) Share what you love by creating a video, photo or blog post and share it at

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