Blogmas Day 1 | Christmas Tag


Hello Lovelies!

So I've decided to start doing blogmas! I'm going to try and blog everyday in December and well, I'm already a day behind but let's forget about that...
Today I'm going to do the Christmas Tag, I haven't been tagged to do this but I found it online so here goes;

1. What is your favourite christmas film?
My favourite christmas film is Elf, it always has been and always will be. It's a little tradition in my family to watch it through December.

2. Have you ever had a white christmas?
I don't think that I ever have, we've had snow around Christmas Day but never actually on christmas.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
Usually during christmas I'm at home on Christmas with my family but, it'd like to be abroad for christmas sometime like in America or something.

4. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
No not normally, sometimes my mum does silly little gifts for us but, normally, no.

5. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
I'm not even going to attempt this because I'll screw it up :)

6. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year?
This probably sounds super weird but every year I have to share a room with my brother and we always have since we were young so, it's a little tradition that we've got into. It's a good laugh so I'm looking forward to that this year.

7. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
99% of the time our trees are real but some years we have fake ones. This year we're getting a real one which I'm looking forward to.

8. What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
I really dislike Chrismas pudding. I don't know why or how I just do but, I love love love mince pies so I'll just have a plate full of those, yep.

9. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or recieveing gifts better?
Everyone loves getting gifts but, I love seeing someone's face when they open up a present I've given them that they like.

10. What is the best Christmas gift that you've ever received?
I think the best preset I've ever been given was my record player last year. I love it so much and still am so grateful to my parents for it, nothing beats listening to the crackle of a old vinyl.

11. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
For me, it'd probably be either New York or Australia, they'd both be pretty cool places to spend Christmas.

12. Are you a pro-present wrapper  or do you fail miserably?
I'm kin of inbetween I think, I'm not amazingly good at wrapping but I'm not truly awful either.

13. Most memorable holiday moment?
One year, my brother and I both woke up super earl on Christmas Day so we stayed awake for a few hours watching films, one of them being Despicable Me and I think I'll always remember that morning.

14. What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I'm not actually too sure, I guess that I just kind of grew out of the idea as I got older. Nothing major happened I don't think.

15. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them 
Yes, I do make resolutions and I always try to stick by them as best as I can but I guess that it doesn't always pan out that way.

16. What makes the holidays special for you?
I think it's just the whole overall experience of Christmas. I love the fact that I get to spend time with family and friends. For me that's the important part about Christmas :)

I tag Demi-Lee to do this tag, hope you enjoy it!

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  1. I will get round to doing this tag, I promise! I did have another post planned by I think I'll add this in before it, hehe! X
