Blogmas Day 9 | Things I Love Right Now


Hello Lovelies!

Today I thought that I'd share with you a few things which I am loving at the minute...

1. Music; The Script, Queen & Fifth Harmony
I am really enjoying music from these three bands recently, The Script's song 'No Good in Goodbye' and I like the way it's sung and the lyrics are fab! I'm also slowly but surely falling in love with Queen again and 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' will always be a favourite of mine. Finally, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I like the song 'BO$$' by Fifth Harmony. I heard them on X Factor a few nights ago and the song is just very motivational to me.

2. Films; Elf & Fight Club
Okay, so we actually had to watch 'Fight Club' in our media lecture for our studies but, I really enjoyed it! It was my first time watching it and don't want to give too much away but it took me a little while to process the plot twist near the end. Also, I've been watching Elf repeatedly for the past week to get me in a Christmas-sy mood (15 days guys)!

3. Makeup; Naked Basics Palette 
I've had this eyeshadow palette for a whole now and kind if forgot that I had it however, I have been using it everyday with my usual makeup and am so so happy that I'm using it again. It's running out rapidly!

4. Tech; Polaroids
I recently bought some new film for my polaroid camera and I'm thrilled because I didn't have any for Christmas time last year so, you can all except some christmas-sy snaps coming your way! I can't wait to get using it properly again!

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