Blogmas Day 3 | Hogwarts in the Snow


Hello Lovelies!

Last Thursday, myself, my media class and the film studies class took a trip to the Harry Potter Studios in Watford, London. I went there a few years ago when it first opened and this time it was even better. When I went the first time, the Hogwarts Bridge wasn't finished and this time round (because it's December) everything was all christmas-y and covered in snow! I felt so happy going here a second time around so here are a few photos from the day:

The model of the Hogwarts castle was beautiful and overwhelming. It was so brilliant to see how they created the sets and all the props which they used. This time they also showed us the different types of snow they used and how they made the fake fire using water vapour, they both looked so realistic! I'm so glad that I got to go here again :)

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